Berry Bros and Rudd | Fine Wine & Spirits
Berry Bros and Rudd - We are Fine Wine and Spirits Merchants with over 5000 wines, a broking exchange, wine tasting events & schools and specialists in ...
Berry Bros and Rudd - We are Fine Wine and Spirits Merchants with over 5000 wines, a broking exchange, wine tasting events & schools and specialists in ...

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Berry Bros. & Rudd (BBR) is a family-run British wine and spirits merchant founded in London, England, in 1698, although they did not become wine merchants until the late 18th century. Since 1698, the company has grown from initially a small coffee shop, into an international business with six offices worldwide.
As well as the wines, such as en primeur from places like Bordeaux, Burgundy, the Rhône and Italy, the company also sells wines and spirits under its own-label range, Berry Bros. & Rudd's Own Selection.
Other services it offers include wine investment, wine storage, wine tastings, events and educational courses.

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This article uses material from the Wikipedia article "Berry_Bros._%26_Rudd", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0.

Based in United Kingdom

Phone Number +44 800 280 2440

Email Address

Number of Employees 348

Founded in 1698

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