Betty and Biddy Jewellery - We make jewellery to effortlessly elevate your everyday. Since 2016, we have been on a mission to spread positivity, instil confidence and empower you to shine. Every piece is designed in Dublin and inspired by you.
Betty and Biddy Jewellery - We make jewellery to effortlessly elevate your everyday. Since 2016, we have been on a mission to spread positivity, instil confidence and empower you to shine. Every piece is designed in Dublin and inspired by you.

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Betty and

Betty and Biddy | Online Costume Jewellery | Chunky and Statement Necklaces | Earrings and Bracelets | Free Shipping.
Betty and Biddy | Online Costume Jewellery | Chunky and Statement Necklaces | Earrings and Bracelets | Free Shipping.
Betty and Biddy Jewellery is based in Rep of Ireland
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