Butterslip is a beautiful gift and baby boutique, full of gorgeous, quirky and unusual finds. Butterslip opened in 2005, full of colourful ideas and wild notions, the result of much day dreaming, notebook scribbling, scrapbook filling and finally one great flight of madness. The scribbler, day dreamer and committed doodler here is me, Anne, still often to be found doodling and daydreaming.
Butterslip is a beautiful gift and baby boutique, full of gorgeous, quirky and unusual finds. Butterslip opened in 2005, full of colourful ideas and wild notions, the result of much day dreaming, notebook scribbling, scrapbook filling and finally one great flight of madness. The scribbler, day dreamer and committed doodler here is me, Anne, still often to be found doodling and daydreaming.

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Butterslip.com is based in Rep of Ireland
and was founded in 2005.
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