Flor de cana.com - Flor de Caña es un ron producido de manera sostenible, certificado Carbono Neutral y Fair Trade. Con una historia desde 1890, es destilado con energía 100% renovable y añejado naturalmente sin azúcar. "Mejor Productor de Ron del Mundo" (IWSC '17).

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Flor de Caña (Spanish for "sugarcane flower") is a brand of premium rum manufactured and distributed by Compañía Licorera de Nicaragua which is headquartered in Managua, Nicaragua and dates back as far as 1890.

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This article uses material from the Wikipedia article "Flor_de_Ca%C3%B1a", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0.

Flor de cana.com is based in United States
and was founded in 1890
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