Helly hansen.com - Welcome to the Official Helly Hansen Online Store. Shop jackets & gear for Skiing, Sailing, Outdoor, and Sportswear. Founded in Norway in 1877.
Helly hansen.com - Welcome to the Official Helly Hansen Online Store. Shop jackets & gear for Skiing, Sailing, Outdoor, and Sportswear. Founded in Norway in 1877.

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Helly Hansen (HH) is a Norwegian manufacturer and retailer of clothing and sports equipment and a subsidiary of the Canadian retail chain Canadian Tire. Currently headquartered in Oslo, it was previously headquartered in Moss, Norway from its founding in 1877 until October 2009.

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This article uses material from the Wikipedia article "Helly_Hansen", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0.

Helly Hansen.com is based in Norway
and was founded in 1877. Helly Hansen.com currently has around 1,083 employees.
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