- Buy prints, posters canvas and framed wall art from thousands of unique and independent artists Discover new art or frame photos of your ...
| - Buy prints, posters canvas and framed wall art from thousands of unique and independent artists Discover new art or frame photos of your ...

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Imagekind is a commercial website that prints and sells images created by participating artists on-demand. It also includes a social networking and marketing site for artists and their customers. It was founded in Seattle, Washington in 2006 by Adrian Hanauer, a Seattle, Washington co-owner of the Seattle Sounders professional soccer team, and Kelly Smith, a software & digital media specialist who formed Curious Office as an incubator of online companies. It is now owned by CafePress.

Read more on Wikipedia.

This article uses material from the Wikipedia article "Imagekind", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0.

Based in United States

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Number of Employees 6

Founded in 2006

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