Love Your
Love Your Melon is an apparel brand dedicated to giving a hat to every child battling cancer in America and supporting the fight against pediatric cancer.
Love Your Melon is an apparel brand dedicated to giving a hat to every child battling cancer in America and supporting the fight against pediatric cancer.

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Love Your Melon Inc. is a for-profit company based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Founded in October 2012 by Zach Quinn, son of Cafe Latte owners Pete and Linda Quinn, and Brian Keller with startup money, the company designs and markets most notably hats — as well as headbands, scarves, blankets and apparel.
Love Your Melon was a registered 501(c)(3) organization/non-profit through 2015. As of 2016, it has since been registered as Business Corporation (Domestic) with the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State. Their mission statement is “dedicated to giving a hat to every child battling cancer and supporting the fight against pediatric cancer.”

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This article uses material from the Wikipedia article "Love_Your_Melon", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0.

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