- Creators of Unique Apparel & Originators of Swim Separates. Update your look at one of the top women's clothing and swimwear stores online! VENUS Fashion is an affordable online shop with trendy clothing, ...
| - Creators of Unique Apparel & Originators of Swim Separates. Update your look at one of the top women's clothing and swimwear stores online! VENUS Fashion is an affordable online shop with trendy clothing, ...

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Venus is an American online and catalog fashion retailer headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida. The company sells clothing, shoes, jewelry and accessories for women. Venus is known for its swimwear and lingerie. The company is known for actively participating in charitable endeavors and community activities.

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This article uses material from the Wikipedia article "Venus_Fashion", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0.

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