Wmf.com - Cooking. Let it bubble, steam and splutter! Now the cooking can begin. Cook with pots from WMF and SILIT – find the right pot collection for you. learn more.
Wmf.com - Cooking. Let it bubble, steam and splutter! Now the cooking can begin. Cook with pots from WMF and SILIT – find the right pot collection for you. learn more.

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WMF (formerly known as Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik) is a German tableware manufacturer, founded in 1853 in Geislingen an der Steige.

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This article uses material from the Wikipedia article "WMF_Group", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0.

WMF.com | German Tableware | is based in Germany
and was founded in 1853.
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