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Zooplus.de - Über 8.000 Markenprodukte aus den Bereichen Tierbedarf, Tierfutter und Tierzubehör. Whether fins , hooves , wings  or paws - no needs are as important to us as those of your pet. And because we know from our own experience how exhausting the search for the right food and the right accessories and toys for our furry friends can be, we deliver everything your pet needs to your doorstep. Whether it's bags of feed, bedding or hay  packaging - even aquariums  are no obstacle for us to offer you the best delivery convenience. So you can say goodbye to the heavy carrying of annoying purchases from the supermarket and take care of your pet without compromise!

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Zooplus SE is an online retailer of pet food and supplies with headquarters in Munich, Germany. Founded in 1999, the E-commerce company ships to 30 countries in Europe, including the United Kingdom. Since its IPO in 2008, Zooplus has been listed at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the SDAX stock market index.Sales for the first half of 2015 were 344 million euros, up 34% compared with the first half of 2014. The company expected 2015 sales to total at least 725 million Euro.In the following years, Zooplus continued an upward streak of sales. In fall 2018, Amazon started to sell pet food in Europe under its own brands. Despite the new competitor from the US, Zooplus realised 1,342 million Euro of total sales in 2018. A growth of 21% compared to the previous year.In August and September 2021, Zooplus was the subject of a bidding war between private equity firms Hellman & Friedman, KKR & Co., and EQT Partners, with the highest bid reaching €470 per share (~€3.36 billion).

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